Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ugh....the flu!

I am so sorry to report that Peyton and Owen have the flu! (The real flu, not the stomach flu!) As the doctor put it, at least it's influenza B, which is treatable, but still! Ugh! So, they're on Tamiflu, and Kellen & Dawson are on preventative doses of Tamiflu. Their doc said Brian and I need to call our doctors for that preventative Tramiflu, too. In my 7+ years of parenting, not one child has ever had the flu! Some years we've gotten the flu shot, and some years we haven't. I've never been too concerned about it. We didn't get the shot this year, but it wouldn't have done any good anyway. They said the shot's only good for 3-4 months, so it would've worn off for a March flu, anyway.
And the kicker is, we fly out to California on Friday! Please pray we get well quickly!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

oh no!!! I will say lots of prayers for you guys!