I didn't tell her about them and just put her down for her nap as usual. I woke her up at 2:45 and said, "We're going to your Kindergarten doctor appt. today!" She kind of giggled and asked a few questions, but remained very calm.
Of course once we're there, they do the hearing test (passed), the eye exam (20/20), the weight (83rd percentile), height (86th percentile), blood pressure, etc. Then Dr. Sneed comes in and listens to her chest, back, feels all around her (she was very impressed at her muscular build for such a young child, by the way! Made her Daddy proud!) Anyway, I was thinking "Get on with the shots, already!" I'm sure Pate was thinking the same thing.
Finally, Nurse Angie comes in and tells her she's getting 2 shots in each arm. Peyton turns toward me so that she's not looking, and before we knew it, Angie was putting the first syringe down! Pate never even flinched! The second one Angie had said would sting the worst as the medicine went in, and Peyton started calmly saying "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow" with a slight grin on her face. I couldn't believe it! We switched sides and while Peyton and I were laughing about how good she was doing, Angie gave her the other two shots! Not a tear was shed. Not even any whining (which is actually a pretty bad habit Peyton has!) Angie said it was VERY unusual! I've bragged on her all day. Even Kellen was impressed, and not in a jealous way. Kellen was tough with her shots, too, but did have some silent tears coming forth. We are all proud of our tough little Kindergartener!
yey! that's was always my least favorite job as a nurse. I've only ever had one child that never shed a tear during the actual injection part. He was worried afterwards that he wasn't a "regular human anymore". Haha
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