Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Birthday Update

For some reason, I have been having trouble prioritizing our blog, lately! I still have Christmas pictures to post from our trip to the grandparents in Tennessee, and Kellen has her first Upward Basketball game this weekend, so I see I better get some stuff posted!
So, I'm going to write about my birthday first, because it's quick and easy and something I can do this morning without posting a bunch of pictures! ;-)
I had a great birthday yesterday, thanks to Brian, our kids, and my girlfriends! I hadn't even thought about "the number" until I got an e-mail from a friend that said "Happy 35th Birthday." Wow, 35! Half-way to 40. But we'll think more about that later.
My celebration actually began Sunday night when our church offered free childcare for date nights, so that was Brian and my's night out for my birthday. Tuesday morning I came out to the living room to find a card from Brian and one from Kellen, and a gift certificate to Gearhead, a local outdoors/sports store that we like. And as I raised the garage door to go take the kids to school I noticed Brian had put a Gonzaga license plate on the front of my Suburban! (We had gotten him an Alabama one as a "truck-warming" present a few weeks ago, so he figured I needed one, too!) Kellen told me she was going to get me a lump of coal, but then later came into my room with a crumpled up $10 bill that she had gotten out of her piggy bank! Isn't that sweet? I gave it back to her, but let her know how thoughtful that was of her! Owen, for some reason, said he was getting me a sleeping bag (huh?), and Pate's is the best of all: supposedly she is getting me a new car! Can't wait for that one! ;-)
Anyway, three of my bestest girlfriends, Kelly, Lindy & Brooke, took me out for lunch, and after school and after Brian got home, I got to take a "birthday nap"! Also, Owen proudly told his teachers that it was my birthday, so they sang happy birthday to me when I picked him up from school. Also got several phone calls from family, and countless e-mails as well.
As an adult, your birthday still has elements of "normalcy" as well, since I still had to take kids to and from school, go to the grocery store, pay bills, and pick up the house yesterday, but that's okay! There were still plenty of special things about the day! Thank you all so much! It was a fun day.


Heather said...

Your kids are so thoughtful, and sweet. Happy Late Birthday!!

Amy Barrett said...

I love the gifts from the kiddos! Those are the best!

What did you get with your gift certificate???

I'm glad you had a good birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! ILY!! :D


Dia Sawyer said...

I thought I was WAY older than you!! You look great!! I'm 33! Happy Birthday! Dia

summer said...

oooohhhh, I'm a bad friend.... I was going to get upset about the bestest friend comment and realized I didn't call you on your b-day!
I would call you right now if you weren't 6hrs ahead of us ;0) Just kidding but it is almost 11pm your time.
Anyway, Kel I'm so glad you had a great b-day and what a fun idea to have matching license plates sort of.