Long overdue, I know, but we wanted to thank you for the awesome dresses you made for us! They are so soft and cuddly and people always want to hug us when we wear them! You are awesome! We love them! ~Kellen & Peyton
1) Peer pressure! My friends are making me do it! 2) No family near by, so this helps our family "get to know" our kids a little better! 3) I LOVE scrapbooking, but rarely have time to get caught up. This will have to do 'til then!
I am a wife to Brian, a stay-at-home-Mama to our four kiddos and do my best to serve the Lord. We also have three great pups and a hilarious cat. I have a degree in Exercise Science and love to be on the go and do adventurous things!
Kellen...our first born is 7 1/2 years old! She is tender-hearted, athletic, generous, kind and beautiful. She is a huge help to me, loves to read, and loves 2nd grade. She adores her teacher and has lots of good little girlfriends. I always tell her, "You'll always be my first baby!"
Peyton...that little spitfire is 5 1/2 years old and has the most unique personality in the world! The girl is always singing, dancing, and being funny. She's often in a world of her own and doesn't even know she has an audience for her antics. As Kellen often says "Peyton cracks me up!"
Owen...our little boy is now 4 years old! He's obsessed with being a "big boy" and actually does a very good job keeping up with his sisters. Though he's occasionally been caught in a princess dress or carrying a purse, he's actually all-boy, loving to sweat and greeting his Daddy daily with a punch in the gut!
Dawson...our baby is now 2 1/2 years old! He's talking lots and loves to dance! His body just starts moving as soon as he hears music, whether it's in the car or just in the background at a store! He's a big flirt with strangers in restaurants and always gets lots of smiles. He's a very happy kid and giggles at the slightest tickle or smile. He has made our family complete!
"Let's knuckle!" when wanting to wrestle or pretend to box.
When passing a cemetery..."That's where people die."
"Boppadot"--for some reason that meant applesauce
"You're the best Mama in the whole wide rainbow"
"Hailey likes Nathan Kress. She says he's hot!"--how does she know that expression???
"Brown go down the slide" talking about the first time she witnessed her #2 being flushed
"Hopgrasser" for the green insect that hops
When pretending to be a puppy, kitty, horsie, etc. "Say I'm zero (years old) and so you have to be really fragile with me."
"Duckle bubble"....when you have more kids than seat belts and they have to share (i.e. double buckle)
"Tooty France"...the bike race that Brian watches constantly every July!
"Chucky Larms"...her favorite breakfast cereal. You know, the ones with pink hearts, yellow moons, etc.
"Graphosser" for the green insect that hops
"Backin' walkards" as she walked backwards down the hall
"Mazagine" for the subscriptions we get in the mail
"This morning I went brown poo poo, but then at school I just went plain poo poo." Huh???
"I just give him little punch" when talking about how he greets his baby brother (For him it's a sign of affection! Daddy gets a BIG punch!)
"Awetom, baby" (awesome) with a huge grin and his thumb up
Clicks his tongue when he sees something he wants to eat.
Always says "dere-go" when he hands you something ("there you go").
Says "thank you" after you change his diaper!
Some of his favorite words: "No" (of course!), "more", "mine", "Mama", "Daddy", "Jesse" (our dog), "Ka" (not sure if that is cat or Sky, the name of our cat!) "Dawson Church"
Very cute!!
I mean it when I say, " you are SO welcome!" What beautiful models you are!
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